
Finding her voice in the tech and impact startup space – Katja Meyer’s story

“The crisis showed that our case is future proof.” This is part of a series of ‘Chat with a FoTer’ where we sit down with FoT alumni to discuss the amazing things they do. At the time of the interview, Katja is at home in Aarhus. She’s a co-founder of eachthing, a startup that helps […]

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Going from hireable to hiring – Jeppe Rasmussen’s story

“I had been contemplating my job at Microsoft for long time and after being on a month long vacation I realised I needed to quit my job and take part in Founders of Tomorrow 2019.”  At the time of the interview, Jeppe is sitting at an accelerator in Stockholm. His startup, founded at Founders of Tomorrow 2019, BeResourceful, has

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FoT Asks a blockchain expert: The anarchists building the future of blockchain

Cyrus Clarke is a designer, educator and artist working with emerging technologies such as blockchain, machine learning and biotechnology. As co-founder of What The Block, an educational game, which demystifies blockchain through gamified learning, he organizes blockchain seminars and speaks at conferences, universities and board-rooms to bring the true value of this technology to a

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FoT Asks a quantum expert: Applying quantum physics to the climate crisis

Charles Marcus is an experienced quantum expert, who works hands on with quantum devices at both Microsoft and The Niels Bohr Institute. At Founders of Tomorrow 2019, Charles gave an introduction to quantum computing and how this developing technology could help solve the 1.5 degree challenge. For those who weren’t there, we sat down with

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A chat with Nikolaj Sorgenfrei Blom: science adventurer, water bridger and quantum biologist

Back in February, Nikolaj delivered one of the most befuddling – and popular – talks of FoT2019. Water, he explained, is not as mundane as we might think. In fact, it’s downright mysterious. During his talk, Nikolaj performed an experiment. He took two beakers filled with deionized water and placed them next to each other.

A chat with Nikolaj Sorgenfrei Blom: science adventurer, water bridger and quantum biologist Read More »

FoT asks a climate expert: What would you say to a global warming denier?

Lars J. Nilsson is a climate expert with over 30 years of experience working in energy efficiency, renewable energy, energy and transport systems, and energy and climate policy analysis. His talk at this year’s Founders of Tomorrow was riveting. After giving us a behind-the-scenes look at how the IPCC put together their report, Lars laid

FoT asks a climate expert: What would you say to a global warming denier? Read More »