Beyond the camp
Over the past six years, Danske iDeer and since 2018 Founders of Tomorrow have brought together around 60 people each year (you do the math!) to learn, build ideas and connect around curiosity towards the future, emerging technologies, intra- and entrepreneurship and impact.
The Founders of Tomorrow community consists of previous participants of the FoT and Danske iDeer bootcamps. The community is about supporting one another in creating change for a better future through entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship or other explorative initiatives. Read about some of the members on the FoT Blog.
The community gathers in a shared Slack workspace and in virtual and physical monthly meet-ups and events. We are currently developing a community platform tool dubbed the FoT Forest (find out more below!).
Become part of the community by participating in the next Founders of Tomorrow bootcamp.

Life Design Circle holding a workshop for FoT alumni in 2021.

FoT Forest
FoT Forest is an experimental alumni platform helping Founders of Tomorrow alumni uncover and leverage connections within the community.
It can be best understood as a data analytics and matchmaking platform. The Forest helps those onboard connect and find one other in new ways, based on interests and passions, to set the soil for new exciting collaborations and partnerships. It also helps to facilitate teamwork during and beyond the FoT bootcamp.
FoT Forest builds on an idea created by group of FoT2019 alumni and is developed by Dataverz co-founded by FoT alumni, Pedro Parraguez.
As data sources, FoT Forest uses the public part of LinkedIn profiles.
Participation in the FoT Forest is voluntary and based on explicit consent. You need to have participated in Founders of Tomorrow/Danske iDeer to have access to the platform.
For any questions about FoT Forest, please reach out to Anders Hvid at